Kontakta ossVi finns i Piteå, eller mer precis 16 km utanför Piteå City.
Både Hero & Pyry finns tillgänglig för parning så hör gärna av dig om du undrar över något. We live in Piteå, 16 km from Piteå City. Hero and Pyry are available for breeding so please let me know if you have any questions. I advocate healthy, mentally stable, active and happy dogs.. Hero Regnr: SE41536/2014 testicles normal 2015 & 2017 eye examination no evidence of inherited eye diseases 2015 & 2017 patella 0/0 Pyry Regnr: SE21582/2018 testicles normal 2019 eye examination no evidence of inherited eye diseases 2019 patella 0/0 |
TELEPHONE NUMBER+46(0)703340258
ADDRESSBlåsmarksvägen 334
S-944 92 Blåsmark |